Different Ways of Using the Word PENETRATE in English Writing and Speaking

Learn how to use the word PENETRATE in English Writing and Speaking.

Uses of Penetrate as A Verb in English

The word 'penetrate' has more than one meaning. Let's know them one by one.

A) The word 'penetrate' means 'to go through or into something, especially when this is difficult (to go into or through something)'.

Let's Take Some Examples,

1) The knife penetrated eight centimetres deep into his chest.

2) Fine particles like dust and silicon penetrate deep into the lungs and cause inhaling problems.

3) There's a narrow alley behind the temple where the sun never penetrates.

* Penetrate something: The knife had penetrated his chest | The sun's radiation penetrates the skin.

B) The word 'penetrate' also means 'to manage to understand something difficult'. | Penetrate something to understand or discover something that is difficult to understand or is hidden.

Have A Look At The Sentences Below,

1) Science can penetrate many of nature's mysteries.

2) An inscription that is difficult to penetrate.

3) No one could penetrate the meaning of that Ancient Cave Painting.

C) Penetrate also means 'to succeed in entering or joining an organization, a group, etc. especially when this is difficult to do.

Read The Following Sentences Very Carefully,

1) (Penetrate something) This year the party has been penetrated by some extremists. | The company is trying to penetrate new markets in western countries.(= The company is trying to sell their products there.)

D) Penetrate something to see or show a way into or through something: 

For example, Our eyes could not penetrate the darkness. | The Sunlight barely penetrates the inner rooms of these buildings.

E) To be understood or realized by somebody.

Penetrate something: For example, None of my advice could penetrate his thick skull (= He has not listened to any of my advice | He could not understand or realize what I advised him.)