Some Confusing Verbs in English Language | Important Question Words with Meaning

Learn about some important confusing verbs in English language. Know the exact meaning of some confusing verbs in English with Examples.

Some Confusing Verbs in English

The following words (verbs) are used to frame questions of various examinations. Students must have to understand the exact meaning of the question to write a good answer. That's why it will be very helpful for the students to understand the exact meaning or demand of the question to write a beautiful answer. You may call these words 'Question words'.

1) Analyse (Analyze)


To examine something in detail in a methodical way, in order to find more essential features about it. [To make a detailed explanation or interpretation of something using scientific or statistical methods in order to discover more about it and understand it fully.]


We have to analyze the data received from the public as soon as possible to understand what exactly happened in the building.

2) Comment


To express an opinion (criticism, reaction, etc.) in speech or writing.


Jack doesn't want to comment on his brother's character.

3) Contrast


To show or write the great differences between two or more things clearly. (To point out the striking and noticeable differences between two or more people or things when they are compared.)


1) Contrast the social structures of England and America.
2) John contrasted his elder brother's mild behaviour with his younger brother's rough behaviour.
* Distinguish: To recognize or notice the differences between two things.

* Compare: To examine two or more things (objects, ideas, people, etc.) in order to note or find out both the differences and similarities between them.

4) Discuss


To talk about something (with someone) with arguments, comments, opinions, ideas, etc., especially in order to find some solutions or to make a decision considering all aspects of the subject. [If a single person wants to discuss a subject, he has to talk over or write about the subject in a way that he is talking to another person (considering all the aspects of the subject)]


1) The Principal wants to discuss the matter with the vice-chancellor of the University.
2) Discuss the burning issues about the farmers, recently brought to light by the reporters.

5) Describe


To give a detailed account of something or someone in speech or writing by focusing on the main characteristics (or attributes) of the subject. [To tell or write about what someone or something is like]


1) Nancy described the incident very nicely.

6) Define


To describe or state clearly and exactly what the thing is or what it is like. [To identify or determine the meaning or essential qualities of something.]

Define Democracy.

7) Elucidate


To explain something very clearly, or to make something clear or lucid and easy to understand, especially by explanation or analysis.

Can you elucidate the matter?

8) Elaborate 


To give a detailed explanation of something, or to explain something in great detail (thoroughly) by making it more complicated and effective. [To expand or describe something in detail, or to add more information or more details to something.]


Can you elaborate on the theory? (Usually followed by 'On' or 'Upon'.)

* Expand: To speak or write in detail. [or to increase something in size, number, volume, scope, importance, etc.]

9) Exemplify


To explain or illustrate something using typical examples. [To show or clarify something by giving examples.]


1) Your habits really exemplify the qualities of a good teacher.
2) Exemplify the latest trend and fashion of modern society.

10) Enumerate


To mention or name a number of things separately, one by one (as a list). [No need to explain the things in detail. Just list down the things.]


Enumerate the foods that you like the most. [Just mention the names of the foods as a list that you like the most. No need to explain why you like them the most.]

11) Evaluate/Assess


To make a judgment of, or to determine the value of (something) in terms of quality, amount, ability, worth, importance, significance, pros & cons, etc.


The experiment has been evaluated by the researchers.

* 'Assess' is the synonym of 'Evaluate'.

* Assess: To judge or estimate or calculate the value, quality, ability, or importance of something in detail.

12) Examine


To inspect or check (someone or something) thoroughly and carefully in order to determine or evaluate their value, nature or condition.


1) The police examined my documents at the airport.
2) The patient's body has been examined by the doctors thoroughly in order to determine the real cause of the illness. 

13) Explain


To make something (an idea, for example) clear to someone by describing it in detail or giving enough information about it so that it can be understood easily. [To clarify a topic to make it easy and understandable.]


1) Explain the statements given by the philosophers.
2) The students of the University of Oxford explained how the newly invented machine would work.
3) The officer explained the scheme to the villagers.

14) Illustrate


To explain or to make clear something using pictures, charts, graphs, tables, figures, examples, etc. / To show the meaning or truth of something more clearly by giving pictures, drawings and examples. / To add pictures, graphs, drawings, etc. to something to explain it more clearly. 
[To provide a text with explanatory drawings, images or pictures, examples, etc.]

Illustrate your point of view.

15) Interpret


To give or explain the intended meaning or significance of something.


It's very difficult for general people to interpret the quotations of the ancient philosophers.

16) Justify


To show or prove something (an action, a statement, an idea, etc.) to be just, valid, reasonable, true or right. [You have to argue in favour of something that has been considered to be true or reasonable.]


''Social media is destroying the life of teenagers.'' - Justify. 
[This is a question. Here you have to show or prove how social media is destroying the life of teenagers. Actually, you have to prove the statement to be true and reasonable.]

17) Narrate


To give an account of (an event, etc.) or to tell a story in speech or writing in detail. Or, to give a spoken or written account of something (an event, for example) as it happens. 

The author narrated his love story in detail.

18) Opine


To express or give an opinion. [Express or share your thoughts as an opinion.]


The officers opine that there must be a public tube well in every village in the country.

19) Estimate


To make an approximate judgement to guess or calculate the value, worth, size, etc. of something. [To judge the value, worth or significance of something tentatively or approximately.]


It's difficult to estimate how many beggars exist in the world.

20) Explore


To search, investigate or analyse something. / To think or talk about something or make a comment on it in order to assess it carefully.

21) Outline


To give the summary or the main facts of something (Idea, plan, etc.) [Explain the thing (idea, plan, etc.) in a general way without giving all the details.]

22) Summarise (Summarize)


State briefly or express the most important facts, points or ideas about something or someone in a concise and clear form. [To give a concise statement of the main points of something.]

23) Clarify


To make something clear and understandable by explaining in more detail and in a simple way. [To explain something more clearly so that it can be understood easily.]